Social practice project, 2016-present.
With Liat Berdugo.
Rituals Adjacent to Capitalism offer somatic instructions to solve problems of contemporary life, and challenge participants to examine indirect and non-monetary driven solutions to everyday problems. Recent iterations on this project include Rituals Adjacent to Trump, performed at B4BEL4B Gallery, Rituals for Removing Creative Blocks performed at EM Wolfman New Life Quarterly Bookstore in Oakland, and Rituals for Removing Creative Blocks (pdf), published in collaboration with Anxious to Make. Copies of Rituals for Removing Creative Blocks (the Book) are available at EM Wolfman Books in Oakland.
The rituals -- available as a live, interactive performance and as limited-edition chapbooks -- broaden an understanding of creative “results,” “ends and means,” and the idea of a muse / magic as relates to creative labor. Rituals have been performed at / in partnership with private homes, 100 Days Action, and galleries. The project was recently awarded a 2017 MADE Award from Emerging Arts Professionals, and included in the Arte Útil archive online and at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.